You Are Not Your Thoughts

You Are Not Your Thoughts

How often do you find yourself feeling overwhelmed with thoughts? Or perhaps consumed by a thought that keeps playing over and over in your mind? Maybe replaying a situation you’ve been through? 

It is part of the human experience to think. Our brains are beyond spectacular and our thoughts are powerful snapshots that provoke emotion, action or even deeper layers of thought.

But thoughts are not always true. And they certainly don’t always have our best interests at heart.

So this week, I want to share one of my favourite meditations with you. I use it at meditation workshops, guided meditations and even with my little girl when she’s struggling to get to sleep because, in her words: “my mind is too curious to sleep!”.

Here you go…

Imagine that you’re sat by the side of a beautiful river - this is your river, so you can picture it however you wish. Is it wide or narrow? What colour is the water? Can you see little ripples of light dancing on the surface or is it crystal clear and you can see down towards the riverbed? 

Feel the surface you’re sitting on - are you relaxing on soft grass or do you have a bench to sit on? It’s your imagination so if you want a big comfy armchair to curl up in, that’s all good too!

Look across the river and see the other side - what can you see? A field surrounded by wildflowers? A forest? Horses grazing? A mountain range perhaps? Create the perfect riverside setting to place yourself in.

And as thoughts drift into your mind, imagine them as little boats coming down the river. You can see them, you may even wave at the boat as it passes by, or have a brief conversation with someone on the boat - but you watch it pass by. 

At no point do you leap off the riverbank and jump on the boat.

And then here comes the thought: ‘I want a drink’. Perhaps it’s a party boat. A loud, blaring, garish, boat… or perhaps you want to imagine it as an old decrepit boat. Whatever your idea of hell is - that’s the boat. And someone on board the boat is shouting “Come on! Have a drink!”. 

Here’s where you have a choice - you either:

Leap off the side of your riverbank, swim to the boat and climb aboard, having no idea how you’ll find your way back to your perfect riverbank haven.


You decline the offer, watch the boat pass, and continue to exist in your gorgeous riverbank world, watching your thoughts as they drift on by.

Ok, so I know this is a largely simplified imaginary world, but the meditation works. See your thoughts as boats. Let them pass. Enjoy the power of your own imagination to visualise a beautiful space. And enjoy the power of your own ability to choose to ignore the thoughts that don’t serve you.

Don’t get hijacked by the boat! You always have a choice.

Dreaming Big in Sobriety

Dreaming Big in Sobriety

Moving out of people pleasing and learning to put your needs first 

Moving out of people pleasing and learning to put your needs first