Dreaming Big in Sobriety

Dreaming Big in Sobriety

For years, alcohol was my one true love, and I loved the way it made me feel. I felt alive, electric, loud and fun! I used alcohol to change the way I felt and to make me feel better in my own skin.  It was my magic potion. 

I hadn’t lost everything when I was drinking, quite yet. I had the material things I needed but little by little I was breaking inside, and I knew that I was just waiting to explode. Once I did, I wouldn't just lose it all, but I would lose myself completely. I was a walking time bomb, and my own self-worth was at its all-time lowest. Not to forget the crippling shame, the guilt, and anxiety that came with the never-ending hangovers.   

I had to get off the pity party train before it got too late. In May 2021 after finally asking for help, I got sober. A life changing moment in my life and by far, the best decision I made.

For me, the journey to sobriety has been a deeply personal one which has presented an opportunity: the chance to change my life and embrace the possibilities that come with a clear mind and build meaningful connections.

Don’t get me wrong, it’s been filled with its fair share of setbacks and challenges, but it’s allowed me to really live and find out who I am and what I want to do. Sobriety has shown me that it’s about creating a life filled with purpose and rediscovering who I am.

When I stepped into sobriety, I found myself at a crossroads. The habits and coping mechanisms that once dominated my previous way of living, were no longer going to work and so I had to change my way of thinking. Leaving space for new experiences, thoughts, and dreams. 

Dreaming big in sobriety is about believing in the possibility of a future filled with joy and success. It's about imagining a life that is not only free from alcohol and drugs but also rich with experiences that bring meaning.

Many people in sobriety discover new passions and interests that they never explored before.  Since getting sober, I moved countries twice, fell back in love with nature and found my purpose by becoming a Recovery Coach so that I can give back and help others. I now live in Thailand, something I never imagined!

If you’ve managed to get sober, you’ve already proven that you have the strength to face life’s toughest challenges. This strength will carry you forward as you set out to achieve your dreams. Sobriety has taught us one of the most valuable lessons: resilience and courage.

One of the greatest resources has been my sober community. Surrounding myself with others who have faced similar struggles and found hope in sobriety has been incredibly motivating. They have helped to provide support and encouragement as well as a space where I can openly share my own fears, goals, and truly laugh! 

I  found that many people are also rediscovering their themselves for the first time in years and we have formed true connections. Being part of such a community reminds me that I am not alone, and anything is possible in sobriety.

I have learnt that my past doesn’t define me, and my future is wide open. I have the power to dream bigger than ever before and the clarity, strength, and courage to make those dreams a reality. I can proudly say I have created a life I no longer need to escape from, and I know I am never alone.

Do I need AA to get sober?

Do I need AA to get sober?

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You Are Not Your Thoughts