Catalyse Life Drinks

Inspired by a personal journey to find a better, alcohol-free alternative and a desire to tackle climate change. Launched in 2021, our range features four enhanced sparkling waters—Acqua, Coral, Mayi, and Mizu—each crafted with unique botanicals to support relaxation, immunity, energy, and beauty.

Our mission is to combine exceptional taste with genuine health benefits and eco-friendly practices. We use unique ingredients like Reishi Mushroom and Ashwagandha, and our products are gluten-free, low-calorie, and vegan.

 Can you tell us a bit about the origins of Catalyse life Drinks? What inspired you to start a non-alcoholic beverage brand?

Prior to starting this drink range I struggled to cut down on my drinking. Partly due to finding motivation that lasted longer than 2 days, partly due to the lack of a decent alternative. This meant I was constantly caught in a loop of feeling weak willed & at the mercy of hangovers and broken promises, anyone else been there?

Then in 2021 two things were happening simultaneously, I woke up after a heavy weekend and thought, enough is enough, I can’t fit into my big clothes, my skin looks blotchy, my eyes look puffy - something had to change. I just wasn’t looking forward to the average AF beers on offer and was determined to find something that benefited me, and something that wasn’t another CBD drink. 

At the same time I was also panicked by the unrelenting news on climate change and impending danger we find our planet in. I wanted to do something to help. Something more than setting up a charitable direct debit. 

What was the moment or motivation that led to the creation of your first product?

With my desire to go beyond Lo & No and create a range that did great things for us, why couldn’t I create a range that did good for the Planet too. Most importantly, a range that helped people on the same missions as me.

I’d love to say the concept arrived fully formed and as it is now, however it wasn’t until after 2 years of brainstorming, dodgy version and trial & error that the Catalyse Life Drinks, with it’s simple mission & bespoke benefits was born.

What is the core mission or vision of Catalyse Life Drinks? How do you see your brand making an impact in the beverage industry?

The mission is simple, to Catalyse a change for You & the Planet. There are loads of AF drinks that taste fantastic or look fantastic, some that do great things for us on a nutritional level, and some that give back to our incredible Planet. However, I couldn’t find a range that combined all these credentials. The way we shop is changing, people are more discerning about what they put in their bodies and want to know that the money they spend is going to have a tangible impact on their daily lives and environment around them. I believe that by combining all these elements in one range of exceptional blends for our everyday needs- Energy, Immunity, Relaxation & Beauty, Catalyse will have a great impact on the beverage industry & the products we consume.

How does your brand approach the growing trend of mindful drinking and the rise of non-alcoholic options?

The biggest issue I had when stopping drinking was that lots of drinks emulated alcohol, or tasted nice, but none had ingredients that had significant nutritional value. Don’t get me wrong, some AF beers & spirits in 2024 are amazing (significantly so since when I stopped in 2019), however, if you’re taking something negative out, why not put something positive in? It was also astounding how easy it was to claim, ‘immunity boosting’. That’s why each product is not only gluten free, low calorie & vegan, but they have high levels, and 100% RDI of the active ingredients inside. 

Can you walk us through the range of products you currently offer? What sets each product apart from the others?

These are a range of 4 Enhanced Sparkling Water. Lightly carbonated, botanical infusions. Blended with exceptional Ingredients for your everyday needs.

There are 4 in the range, each with bespoke health benefits:

  1. Acqua- The Mediterranean Inspired Relaxation Blend with Blood Orange & Juniper

  2. Coral- The Australian Inspired Immunity Blend with Lemon Balm, Mint & Lime

  3. Mayi- The African Inspired Energy Blend with Vanilla & Green Tea

  4. Mizu – The Asian Inspired Beauty Blend with Ginger & Hibiscus

They’re less sweet than most offerings on the market, and have a more subtle, adult taste profile. Plus,no hidden artificial ingredients or nasties. 

By combining great health with great taste, there really is a Catalyse for every Occasion & an occasion for every Catalyse

Are there any unique ingredients or processes that make your products stand out in the market?

My research found there were a lot of drinks with vitamins, however including more unusual nootropics & adaptogens were less common. So by using these, alongside more well known vitamins & minerals I could create a powerhouse specific for each health goal. Some of the most unique ingredients are Reishi Mushroom, L-Theanine, Ashwagandha & Hyaluronic Acid (as far as I know, no other drink has managed to get this skin booting wonder into a refreshing drink)

Which of your products has become a fan favourite? Is there a story behind its creation?

I’d say The Beauty Blend. I think it’s due to this being the most unique in it’s ingredient profile. By combining Zinc, Retinol, Biotin & Hyaluronic Acid you get a wonderful combination of keratin & collagen stimulating ingredients, I know I’m biased but who wouldn’t want a refreshing drink that does that for our hair, skin & nails! When doing consumer research this was the one people couldn’t wait to try. 

Do you have any personal favourites among your offerings? If so, why?

Each have a very different taste profile, which is intentional as everyone has different preferences. Mine varies depending on what cuisine I’m having, the time of day or mood I’m in. However, given I don’t drink alcohol, I find myself reaching for Acqua the most, it’s entourage of ingredients have a truly zen inducing effect – ideal before bedtime!

What have been some of the biggest challenges you've faced in building Catalyse Life Drinks, and how did you overcome them?

What’s that saying.. “Go alone & you’ll go fast, go together & you’ll go far.” That was my biggest downfall, I thought I knew everything, didn’t need advice or help. How wrong I was, I definitely learnt the hard way around how important the advice of others can be, The version of Catalyse that’s here today is truly the product of suppressing ego & a collaboration of some great people in my corner. However, there’s no such thing as failure, just learnings that make you stronger! 

What are some key milestones or achievements that you're particularly proud of?

There have been some great ones in Catalyse’ journey. The most profound however, was within 2 months of launching, Mizu – The Beauty Blend, winning the Men & Women’s fitness Gold Award for ‘Best Health Drink of 2022’. Creating a drink that won such an accolade so early on really validated and made all the downs worthwhile. 

How have you seen the non-alcoholic beverage market evolve since you started?

AF Beer is by far the biggest growth category which makes sense given the importance of beer as a drink in the UK. It’s brilliant to see so many fantastic offerings entering this space and making mindful drinking more accessible for more people. I’ve also seen more brands incorporating interesting ingredients into their range, which is great because most of these companies are start-ups, which is brilliant as this wave of entrepreneurs breeds more creativity in this space versus traditional, big corp owned brands. 

How does Catalyse Life Drinks stay ahead of industry trends and meet changing consumer demands?

Listening to consumers & staying agile. Which is easier said than done given it took a lot of time & money to get the product to where it is now. It sounds simple to say ‘listen to consumers’, however it’s so important to know how to flex & adapt instead of holding onto a concept that may not work. 

How does Catalyse Life Drinks engage with its community? Do you have any initiatives or partnerships that you’re particularly passionate about?

Surfers Against Sewage is an organisation close to my heart. 10% goes to this amazing charity to help support the work they’re doing in cleaning up & future proofing our Coasts & Oceans. 

Most weekends I’m at local markets or at customer venues doing sampling. It’s impossible to be everywhere, but by focusing on South Coast home of Catalyse I hope to win the hearts & mind’s of locals and hope that this causes a ripple effect. 

How do you gather and respond to customer feedback?

Most of the feedback comes from face to face events, by understanding what people do & don’t like helps tweak the ongoing iterations of the brand when consistent messages come through. I’ve also done sampling in some strange places to get views from people from all walks of life. You can go blind to your product, but ultimately if I’m to bring people along on the journey, this feedback is essential.

Is sustainability a part of your brand's mission? If so, how do you incorporate eco-friendly practices into your operations and product development?

Everything relating to Catalyse is recyclable, we use carbon neutral shipping, carbon offset boxes & manufacture here in the UK. It might not be the cheapest, but it’s the most important route to help achieve the brand mission. 

Can you share any upcoming plans or goals related to sustainability?

I’m on a mission for the brand to become carbon neutral in it’s manufacturing process, increase the brand donations to SAS & am exploring other initiatives to help reduce our carbon foot print

Are there any new products or exciting innovations in the pipeline that you can share with us?

Yes, I can’t share them just yet as they’re still in R&D phase, however the new innovations will definitely attract a different type of mindful drinker. Watch this space!

What’s next for Catalyse life Drinks? Where do you see your brand in the next 5-10 years?

Hm, that’s a tough one, I love what I do, I’m in no rush to try and get on the shelves of big grocers. I just hope to keep growing with like minded businesses, reaching more consumers, helping people on their wellness journey & supporting our charitable partners make the world a better place for us & our children.

What advice would you give to someone looking to start their own non-alcoholic beverage brand or venture into the beverage industry?

Think broadly, I ‘ve heard from several industry people that there’s a fatigue to certain type of products. Brands like Trip have massively owned, and done a fab job on CBD drinks, that’s not to say there isn’t a place for a challenger brand. However instead of imitating successful brands, think about something a bit more out there, you may not be everyone's cup of tea, but that’s ok. Better to have 100% of 1% of the market as opposed to 1% of 100% of the market. 

What key lessons have you learned on your journey that you would like to pass on?

Not to take things personally, I spent the first few months really taking rejections to heart. I never considered myself particularly sensitive, but it hurt when people didn’t want to buy Catalyse. However, in the beginning you need to have a thick skin. It only takes one to believe in you for that ripple effect to start, and when it does it feels absolutely incredible! So keep going & have unrelenting self-belief.

Is there anything else you would like to share with our audience about Catalyse Life Drinks or your journey?

Thank you to everyone who’s taken the time to read the Catalyse story. You might not have tried Catalyse before, however by even buying one case of Catalyse, these small steps will truly help Catalyse a bigger change – for us & the Planet.

How can people learn more about your products or get in touch with you?

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