Sobriety unlocked  the extraordinary

Sobriety unlocked the extraordinary

"Pancake Day 2016. My marriage seemed flawless back then, but an unshakable feeling overshadowed that night. And then, amidst it all, my ex-wife dropped a life-altering bombshell – after 14 years, she wanted out. From that instant, my world transformed. I turned to alcohol to ease my pain and grief. I found solace in heavy drinking – a refuge from a world I didn't want to face. I believed alcohol's numbness could shield me from pain. My weeks became a repetitive cycle: work, friends, drinks, sleepless weekends, Sunday's dread. Alcohol became my excuse – football, stress, trivial matters, it didn't matter. Things deteriorated to a point where I went on two all-inclusive holidays back-to-back, leaving me completely drained and even vomiting blood. I took a six-month work hiatus, countless amounts of counselling, and felt like a burden. Two rock-bottom moments jolted me – One, Christmas receiving a card from my nephews with me slumped over the table, surrounded by loads of beer cans. This still didn’t wake me up, and then a friend's recurrent letdown pushed me into isolation. I turned off my phone and didn’t want to be contacted, not knowing what I would do. At the beginning of 2020, I started dating my current partner, bringing fresh focus and energy into my life. With this newfound motivation, I began to prioritize self-improvement. Then the pandemic hit. I faced a choice - continue numbing my pain with alcohol or seize this as an opportunity for change. When I looked at myself in the mirror, something clicked. I realized the pandemic was the perfect excuse to stop drinking and start putting myself first.

2021 began with a three-month alcohol break intended for a holiday shape-up. Yet, a partner's disagreement altered my course, leading to an extended sobriety journey. In June 2022, I made it my mission to help others escape the same feelings I had experienced before embracing sobriety. I became an internationally accredited transformation coach. Since embracing sobriety, I have accomplished remarkable feats. I have completed two marathons, conquered the Goggin's challenge, climbed Snowdon, and become a moderator for MATES (Men And Their Emotions), a social group to help men. Every day, I provide valuable information and support to others free of charge... Sobriety unlocked the extraordinary. Approaching 1000 days sober, my network has expanded beyond imagination. From despair to hope, my journey exemplifies the boundless power of transformation.

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