The Life Changing Power of  Sober Travel

The Life Changing Power of Sober Travel

The night it became undeniable that I had to get sober, I thought it was the end of everything. My entire identity revolved around being this larger than life traveler, complete with a full glass of wine in my hand, ready to take on the world. I think that was the root of the problem…believing so deeply that the world was something that needed to be “taken on” rather than something to be received with an open heart. I was standing at a precipice - do I stop traveling since the idea of traveling sober was so foreign and horrible? Or do I figure it out and be the best sober traveler the world has ever seen?! I had to follow the call of my heart to discover who I was without alcohol, and to prove to myself that the adventure didn’t end with sobriety . I used to see travel as a form of escape - much like my drinking was a way of checking out of my life, travel was a way to do the same. I was always running away, never running toward anything. Sober Travel has revealed the brilliance of running toward. Running toward my highest dreams, running toward a life I’m proud of, running toward the open arms of the world, running toward myself. The work of my life is sharing the life changing power of Sober Travel. I have found that exploring the world, really exploring it through sober eyes, has been the greatest act of self love. And to think, I almost missed it all! I’ve climbed more mountains, seen more sunrises, and remembered more conversations and meaningful moments than I could have ever dreamed of! In a culture of escapism and quick fixes, I believe that travel can bring you home to your most authentic self.

That can be in the next town over, or across the globe! The world is waiting to welcome us with open arms. Nowadays, my travels are filled with meaningful experiences such as water purification ceremonies in Bali, canyoneering in the Philippines, wildlife expeditions in Borneo, and multi-day jungle treks in Laos! You can build a life that you don’t constantly have to escape from, a life that’s rich in nourishment and deeply aligned to your highest values. It’s true that life goes by pretty fast, if you don’t pay attention…you just might miss it! Here’s to being in full presence of it all.

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