How getting sober at 18 was the best thing I've ever done

How getting sober at 18 was the best thing I've ever done

You’d think that admitting to yourself you have a problem at the age of 18 and going into rehab would be the end of your life.. When I first went in and dropped out of uni I was so so scared because I thought that was the end. Little did I know that actually going in and doing something about your problems would be the start to your life. I was in so much pain for years basically turning to anything to change the way you feel, Mainly mine was alcohol, drugs and bulimia. I’d hidden way from feelings and emotions for years as I was scared to feel my feelings. I saw this as a sign of weakness and was convinced that life was just about sucking it up. Yes there was a lot of things I went through which led me to cause a lot of pain I mean “If you had my problems then you’d do the things that id do” That was my motto. But the truth is that the only way you can really get better is by admitting you have a problem and then doing something about it so when I did it was a completely game changer. When I came out a rehab I learnt a lot. I went through the 12 steps and started to rebuild my life around. Being offered the opportunity to then go into schools and do talks around my journey really was the first time I ever knew that my purpose was inspiring people for change. Speaking and sharing the journey of suffering to then help others really the they aren’t the only ones going through this because they arent. This is what makes you human and that is it OK to struggle.. It is okay to have days where you are down and it is OK to not be perfect. Fast forward to 11 years later I can honestly say that being 11 years sober is the biggest achievement ive ever gone through and I fully believe that you can do it too! 

Befriend Your Blips

Befriend Your Blips

Stop self-medicating and start healing

Stop self-medicating and start healing