Meet Sober Awkward Podcast

Meet Sober Awkward Podcast

Fed up with hangovers? So are Vic and Hamish!

Australia-based Sober advocate Victoria Vanstone (Aka - Drunk Mummy Sober Mummy) has been logging her sobriety journey for over four years and her Podcast ‘Sober Awkward’ just reached a million downloads! Her and her partner in crime, Hamish, are heading on a comedy tour around Australia and her book ‘A Thousand Wasted Sundays will be released in Feb - It’s all go for this mother of three as she tries to raise awareness around socially acceptable alcoholism. Her podcast is fast becoming a steadfast tool for those stepping into an alcohol-free lifestyle.

Vic teamed up with Hamish last year – a newly sober-curious Dad, and series 6 of Sober Awkward starts next week. These two ex- booze bags are here to tell it like it is – vomit, one-night stands, and unwanted visits to the STD clinic. Sober Awkward will not only get you questioning your own alcohol intake but these two will get you giggling, their stories of misadventure mean this podcast is relatable and cringingly familiar. ‘We’ve all wandered down the high street with a traffic cone on our heads, passed out on a pub toilet floor, and vomited on a stranger at a festival! We hope by sharing our shame shed full of drunken misconduct the rest of the world won’t feel so bad about theirs ‘ Victoria believes that people are becoming more aware that binge drinking is affecting anxiety and mental health globally. The podcast urges listeners to seek help for mid-range drinking problems and her message is that, surprisingly, you don’t have to be anywhere near rock bottom to quit alcohol, and being sober is not boring at all…

It’s a better and more authentic way of living. The new series, out now on Spotify, will log Hamish’s sober journey, as he faces the booze drenched social world stone cold sober. He says,‘ I think the world is starting to understand that binge drinking, and any sort of over-drinking is having massive impact, not just on the individual but families and communities. We’re beginning to recognise a place between the pub and an AA meeting where some are falling through the cracks and even though they’re suffering are not getting the help they need. We are here to fill that gap and give everyone a laugh along the way!’ ‘We called the podcast ‘Sober Awkward’ because that’s how Vic and I feel a lot of the time. Learning how to be sober socially is really hard and there are some extremely awkward interactions that you have to navigate. Things like going to a bar for the first time, telling people that you’re choosing sobriety and even sober dating. Doing anything you used to do drunk, sober, can be very confronting which is why the motto of our podcast is - ‘Feel the awkward and do it anyway!’ We want our listeners to know that we find those things awkward too and it’s all part of this zig zaggy road to sobriety’

These two ex- binge drinking party animals bring unequivocal honesty to the sober scene. They both have a passion for helping people whose drinking is having negative repercussions on their lives and hope their insightful chats about being awkward will help others seek support. ‘Our podcast is aimed at anyone questioning their drinking habits, we want to reach people and let them know we’ve been there. We’ve both experienced shame and anxiety because of alcohol and we hope our positive and sometimes thought-provoking conversations, reach people that feel ready to make some changes in their lives. We are both proof that there is life after alcohol and it’s not as awful and boring as some might think.’

Sober Awkward is now proudly part of the Spotify Podcast Network.

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