The ten biggest mistakes made by sober entrepreneurs

The ten biggest mistakes made by sober entrepreneurs

1. Destination happiness – the belief that “I’ll be happy when….” (Insert imaginary scenario with money, relationships, accomplishments) It’s all about living in the day and finding joy in the process. Recognise the magic in the ordinary.

2. “The blag” Get properly qualified and insured. Maintain a high standard of work. Focus on serving your clients and always give great value. Deliver more than people expect. Be outstanding. Be memorable. In a good way.

3. Over-working. Remember to put your emotional and mental wellbeing first, treat work as work and take time off. Schedule self-care activities into your diary.

4. Not delegating. Delegate “£10 tasks” – things you can pay someone else £10 an hour to do. Choose people who share your values and vision. Spend the time gained developing your brand to create more income. Be disciplined with this time!

5. Trying to be everything to everyone “If you’re selling to everybody, you’re selling to nobody.” Get crystal clear on your ideal client and your niche.

6. Being too nice People pleasing! This is such a big subject. Basically, learn to listen to your gut, take a while to make your decisions, allow yourself time to reply to requests. You do not have to respond to every email as it comes in. It’s OK to wait and run your decisions past a mentor or a reliable friend.

7. Being too hard on yourself Give yourself a break! You are not perfect, and remember, it’s all about progress not perfection. And progress IS happiness!!

8. Losing yourself It’s so easy to get obsessed with new projects. Spend time thinking about what else you love doing and make time for that. Block out time to spend with friends and doing activities that bring you joy. Get early nights. Rest.

9. Neglecting your body That balance is hard to strike for sure, but having gone to all that effort to live a more wholesome life the last thing you want to do it spend it getting unfit! It’s about finding fun ways to move more and finding accountability buddies to exercise with.

10. Isolating yourself “If you’re doing it alone, you’re doing it wrong.” Find mentors and coaches, follow inspiring and uplifting people on social media, join online groups and mastermind communities.

Finally, learn about the importance of healthy habits and healthy thought patterns. Make your bed. Study and learn from those who have gone before.

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