12 Ways To Shine In Business

12 Ways To Shine In Business

The number one thing stopping you Remember, when you are feeling from living the life of your dreams challenged, (and you will feel is…YOU!! Here are some ways to challenged) “it’s just a season.” STOP that!!

Maybe the season feels like the deepest winter. If so, decide you Know yourself – What are your are a winter person and show up values? To what extent are you living daily ready for winter. within them daily?

How are they reflected in your business? Make it all about something bigger than yourself – Know your ‘why.’

Focus - Ditch the ‘to-do’ list and replace it with 3 high-priority tasks Enjoy the process, practice for each day – that way, low-priority gratitude, and find glimmers in tasks won’t take over – and do those every day. 3 things before you lay your head on your pillow.

Get help - You are not the first person to start and build a business

Get absolute clarity on your mission – – find mentors, coaches, and Who do you want to impact and teachers to guide you on your path how? (I always choose people who are where I aspire to be in my life and work).

Create a vision for your life – What’s your outcome? Repeat. Don’t give up before the magic happens.

Know your numbers, know your numbers, know your numbers (can’t emphasise that enough!)

Get comfortable with being uncomfortable – Yeah, it can feel icky, but nothing changes if nothing changes. Do the thing you don’t want to do – it’ll give you momentum and self-belief.

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