Embracing an AF life: The Birth of AF.ter Party

Embracing an AF life: The Birth of AF.ter Party

For many, the decision to embark on an Alcohol-Free life marks a life-altering and liberating journey. It was precisely this transformative experience that inspired me to create the brand @AF.ter_Party, and I hosted an event, with the support of The Sober Guys, dedicated to celebrating sobriety and challenging societal norms surrounding alcohol consumption on 29th October, at Terrace NQ, Manchester. We had guest speakers including Janey Lee Grace, Paul Briley (who came from USA!) and Michael Sargood. The launch of AF.ter Party sprouted from my personal journey, a path laden with both challenges and revelations. The event was a platform for me to share my personal journey to living AF, spanning over three years. It commenced with a pivotal moment shared with a sibling during a run, leading to the courageous proclamation, "I think I might actually try and quit alcohol." This decision was groundbreaking, signalling a departure from societal norms and family routine. My drinking journey started when I was in my teens, and my university days were characterised by heavy alcohol use and always being the last one standing. I became an ‘expert’ in writing mitigating circumstances letters for late submission of assignments, looking back I probably spent most of my time on them as I did my essays! As the years went by after University, I knew I was drinking too much, and I had comments of concern from people who were closest to me. It was a revelation after I stopped drinking alcohol, that I was using it as a stress-coping mechanism, and social lubricant but a few years ago it was clear that it was having a detrimental impact on my mental and physical well-being. In a heartfelt speech, I spoke about the loss of my Uncle, who died recently after a short illness related to alcohol consumption. Like most of his generation, he was a ‘grey area’ drinker. He rarely drank before 6pm and he held down a demanding job. He certainly wasn’t tee-total but neither was he a ‘rolling drunk’. My Uncles sudden death re-enforced my decision to embrace life and ditch the booze for good.

I chose to inspire other people by action and sharing my positive experiences. The choice to live an AF life isn’t devoid of difficulties, but the benefits I have experienced, support from family and ever-growing number of sober friends feeds my momentum. At the heart of AF.ter Party lies a profound desire to create an environment where sobriety is not only accepted but also celebrated. I felt in such a privileged position to emphasise the incredible benefits experienced post-sobriety, reinforcing the importance of fostering an inclusive space where people can open up about their struggles, beyond solely alcohol-related issues. At the event I highlighted the multi-layered benefits gained from embracing an AF life. From rediscovering authenticity and confidence to nurturing healthier relationships, redefining self-perception, improved physical health and a significant improvement in my symptoms of depression and anxiety. I have newfound determination, drive, and passion. I have more time, time to be a more present parent and I’ve become a morning person! Becoming a sobriety coach and championing the message of embracing an alcohol free life publicly became defining moments of my journey. AF.ter Party, in essence, is an ongoing mission and extends beyond a singular event; it's part of a movement aimed at reducing stigma and creating a supportive space for individuals exploring the 'grey area' of alcohol consumption. The vision encompasses expanding support for those seeking abstinence and advocating to normalise sobriety in our culture. I aim to challenge the prevailing attitudes toward alcohol and inspire a shift in societal perceptions. It's a stance against the glamorization of alcohol in media and an advocacy for effective support systems catering to individuals navigating an alcohol free life. Unveiling the Next AF.ter Party Event: Join Us in Manchester this January! Following the resounding success of our previous AF.ter Party event, I am thrilled to announce that we're back with another empowering and engaging gathering, set to take place in Manchester this January! I have teamed up with Karl Considine – founder of the Manchester ‘pop up’ bar, Love From. The outpouring of support, enthusiasm, and heartwarming feedback from our previous event has been nothing short of inspiring. Comments like "Andy’s take on alcohol-free living is down to earth, realistic, and speaks from his own experience" and "The talks were literally mind-blowing!!!" resonate deeply with my mission to create a space where sobriety is celebrated and embraced.

From heartfelt testimonials expressing a newfound sense of belonging, to the thrill of navigating a bar without the usual (alcoholic) drink in hand, the feedback has been overwhelming: "I lost sight of it being alcohol-free at one point. Everyone was chatting and laughing with a drink in hand. It was like any normal party but no one being a lairy knob head or falling over." "The AF-ter Party event was buzzin'. It was such a welcoming and inclusive community there was absolutely no stigma or shame alluded to regarding alcohol." "The talks were so engaging that you would have heard a pin drop in that room because there was just absolute silence and focus on every word." "I attended the AF-ter Party event and it was buzzin' the place was full and lively. It was such a welcoming and inclusive community there was absolutely no stigma or shame alluded to regarding alcohol. I have not stopped thinking about the day, and it felt more like a celebration of discovering a new way of life." The success of my previous event was not just about talks and speeches; it was about creating an atmosphere where individuals from all walks of life, ages, and backgrounds could come together to share stories, learn, and celebrate a new way of life. Stay tuned on my Instagram account @Af.ter_Party for exciting updates and more details about the upcoming event. Join us as we continue to break barriers, challenge stigmas, and celebrate the beauty of sobriety in Manchester this January!

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