Sober SIXTIES : We were hardcore devotees of the Drink

Sober SIXTIES : We were hardcore devotees of the Drink

The Sobersphere is a vibrant space where people celebrate their alcohol free lives, and commiserate with and support one another. We see glowing faces beaming out their joy at shaking off the shackles of alcohol, 20 somethings, 30 somethings,40 somethings, er maybe some 50 somethings. But wait! Where are the Boomers? Well I'll tell you; they're settling back with a double G&T, maybe a full bodied red because, why not? - they're comfortably off and enjoying their well earned retirement. Imagine their bafflement when one of their peers announces – or more likely tentatively mentions – that they're taking a complete break from alcohol and may never drink again! Welcome to my world, people! I gave up drinking alcohol ( 2nd attempt) in August 2022 at the age of 62, after one hangover too many. I woke up that sweltering August day and had the epiphany that life was – literally at my age – too short to waste feeling ill and remorseful. I didn't stop because I “had a problem”, but because I wanted something better. After 40 odd years of drinking and some great times, alcohol had nothing left to show me. It was time to let that old rascal go. Reactions from friends and family ranged from incomprehension, to “ Oh I don't really drink that much” or vague “Yes I really must cut down sometime”, to downright resentment. Needless to say, nobody has joined me.

We are a generation whose parents tippled on Cinzano and Watneys Red Barrel( not normally in the same glass), who mostly started drinking in their teens ,who then experienced the Beaujolais Nouveau pretension of the 80s, the “sophistication” of wine with dinner every night, the Ladette 90s, the “flight of wine”, and the complete normalisation of any time, anywhere drinking. We didn't know any different; everyone drank and only a few unfortunates were “alcoholics”. We were hardcore devotees of the Drink.

As younger generations increasingly question the consumption of alcohol, my generation blithely cruises on as usual. It's a lonely place to be at times – the 60 something soberite. It's a subject to be avoided at dinner so as not to spoil the atmosphere. Yes I could drink moderately – I did that for several years, but there are always those nights where you overdo it, and the older you get, the longer it takes to recover. Really though, when you educate yourself about the nature of alcohol, why would you want to moderate such a substance ? Of course, my peers all know it's harming their health – how could they not? It's a conversation that is never aired because a life without alcohol is inconceivable until you try it. But what I'd like them to know is how liberating, empowering and positive it feels to take alcohol out of one's life, how we can relish our remaining – possibly – 30 years on earth – what an exciting experiment it is to see what life is like without it. I intend to live out my years in dignified stylish sobriety!

Summer Music Festivals and Weddings – Can you have fun without a drink?

Summer Music Festivals and Weddings – Can you have fun without a drink?

Sober Book Club

Sober Book Club