Sober Girls Yoga: Stop drinking, start yoga & transform your life!

Sober Girls Yoga: Stop drinking, start yoga & transform your life!

In 2019, I took a month off of drinking. This was the direct result of my life falling apart. I was in credit card debt, I was anxious and depressed, and I didn’t like my job. I grew up in Toronto, but in my early twenties I moved to the Middle East. I had been living there for four years and was spending multiple nights a week at bottomless brunches and unlimited alcohol ladies nights. I realized something had to change. When I initially quit drinking, the plan was to quit for twenty-eight days. I didn’t realize that it would end up becoming a lifestyle choice that would change the course of my life. I got deeper into my yoga practice and I realized that yoga played a key role in helping me find strength and support. It helped me sustain my sobriety. It helped me develop my Mind-Body connection. This led me to create Sober Girls Yoga: a 30 / 60 Day Challenge which helps women change the entire trajectory of their lives, through obtaining key skills to aid in your sober journey: journaling, meditation, asana practice, and connection to community. The groups are small, with no more than ten participants in each program. Many participants later go on to join one of my online or in person Yoga Teacher Trainings, and/or join me on an International Yoga Retreat.

The challenge is also excellent for people who are already alcohol free, but looking for some support and inspiration on their journey to stay the course. Why do we pair yoga with sobriety? Here are some of the key reasons! Stress Reduction One of the main reasons we are led to drink is stress. When you first quit drinking or take a break from it, you might experience big emotions. Yoga supports us in stress reduction & relaxation techniques, including breath-work practices and meditation practices. By incorporating these practices daily, we can better manage stress and anxiety. This will lower our levels of cortisol, the stress hormone, leading us to be in a calmer state. Emotional Healing Often when we go alcohol free, we might discover unresolved emotions. Yoga provides a safe and supportive place for emotional exploration and healing. Through yoga, we can tap into our emotions, release trauma, and develop emotional resilience required to navigate these challenges. Additionally, in our sober specific yoga classes, we have a welcoming and non-judgemental space to connect and share our sober stories. This sense of belonging is a powerful motivator to stay committed to your journey. Building a Healthy Routine Consistency is essential in your early days, especially as you are trying to replace old habits with new, healthier ones. Yoga offers us a daily practice that will help establish commitment and self care. Your daily practice can be integrated onto your schedule and help you develop purpose and structure. This is key. Holistic Healing It’s not just about quitting drinking, it’s about building a healthier life. Yoga aligns with this goal. It supports individuals towards a balanced, fulfilling life. Yoga and sobriety are linked and the practice of yoga is powerful for your toolbox! It helps you build your mind-body connection, reduces stress, supports emotional healing, build a sense of community and a healthy routine. The benefits will extend far beyond your mat!

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