Take back the ‘lost hours’ and skyrocket your productivity

Take back the ‘lost hours’ and skyrocket your productivity

Many drinkers have a strange relationship with ‘productivity’. They swing between two states: The discomfort of feeling overwhelmed and anxious for not making more of their lives; that sense of dread that they should be doing something but are either too hungover to be bothered or too focused on getting to the next drink. The relief of actually achieving something despite these factors – a full day’s work, the chores in the house, finishing a project last minute etc. This is surviving not thriving. Some, if not ALL readers of The Sober Edit will be familiar with these feelings. Drinking alcohol and the resulting hangovers is a complete horror show for any form of worthwhile productivity. Hours spent each morning recovering back to some sort of normal, then days spent with an anxious state of overwhelm, don’t leave much cognitive space for any meaningful pursuit or purpose. Adding to that lack of good quality sleep, wasted hours in bed or the pub later than necessary and it’s no surprise most people feel they don’t have much time in their lives to achieve anything other than – WORK, DRINK, SLEEP, RECOVER, REPEAT. I was in exactly that cycle for many years. As a futures broker in London, I presented as someone who had a ‘great life’ with all the trappings of a good job, family, and possessions most people aspire to. But something was missing. No matter how much I threw myself into my social life and work, there was a growing sense of unease that I wasn’t reaching my full potential. I felt a real sense of fear that the life I was living was not authentically making me happy. The failure to keep promises to myself when I occasionally set myself goals or challenges (diets, exercise plans, house projects etc) started to make me feel like I wasn’t behaving like the person I wanted to be. This was one of the main factors that led to me taking a break from alcohol. 3 months was the longest I’d ever been sober and though it was daunting I was determined to do it and clear the cobwebs in my mind so I could see what I was missing out on. The difference was UNBELIEVABLE. Suddenly, my sleep improved and my energy levels throughout the day were constant. I could wake earlier and stay up later and still get a good 7-8 hours of sleep each night. I used this time to go to the gym before work (instead of promising I'd go after then going to the pub instead). My weekends also opened up - I still saw friends and went out but the hours wasted on hangovers and anxiety were now available to me for the first time in decades. I'd taken back the 'LOST HOURS' that alcohol had stolen from me - but what would I do with them? Luckily, alongside the physical time you earn from ditching the booze, you also gain mental clarity and comfort in your own decisions. You make choices for your authentic values, you keep promises, and you're quietly confident that your actions align with the person you want to be. I changed careers and found more joy in my work after years of toxic environments that I hated. In a world where so many people are trying to sell drinks, pills, and programs to make us more focused and productive - sobriety offers 10x the effect at 0% of the cost! After a few years of breaks from alcohol, I decided to go fully sober and pursue a passion of mine that I'd always dreamt of but 'never had the time' to attempt.

In March 2023 I published my first book "ABCD: Finding Happiness..." A self-development book helping readers to assess their authentic values, find balanced approaches, be consistent in their actions, and have the right sort of discipline - I believe these factors contribute to our happiness. Though the book is not a 'sobriety book', there is no way I could have ever achieved it if I were wasting those lost hours on drinking. I had the energy to write after work, at weekends, during my son's tutor sessions, before work and so on for 2 years consistently - this filled me with pride and confidence before I even sold a single book! Now, I work with charities, help readers of the book, and write articles for brilliant publications like The Sober Edit - I have a sense of purpose and a level of productivity that I could only dream of. And it's all down to my sobriety. So, if you're reading this and feel overwhelmed or lacking meaning in your life, stop drinking for a period, take back those 'lost hours', and supercharge your productivity - you'll never regret it. “ABCD: Finding Happiness…” Nicholas Bunney Publishing £14.99 Available HERE: https://amzn.eu/d/fqY3mMc

Is it FAB? Navigating Triggers and Emotions When Quitting Booze

Is it FAB? Navigating Triggers and Emotions When Quitting Booze

Don’t Wait for Rock Bottom

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