Beyond All The Label And Thoughts I Had About Myself

Beyond All The Label And Thoughts I Had About Myself

I've struggled with poor mental health and low self-worth throughout my life. Late in 2020, I went off work with stress, and I reevaluated my life. I realised I had gained a lot of success using the fear of failure as my driving force. I was looking for happiness in people, places, substances, and things, but everything I achieved only ever gave me an approximation of happiness. I started a self-development journey that allowed me to find out who I really was beyond all the labels and thoughts I had about myself. I came home, and that home is the love I have in my heart for myself, my connection to others, nature, and beyond. At this time, I also reevaluated my relationship with alcohol. It made me feel anxious; I could never have just one drink. It knocked me out of my routines for three or four days after a night out. So why was I still drinking? A good question! I felt I needed it to go on nights out; I'd be boring without it. I had a million other excuses. My first stint going alcohol-free lasted six months, but I longed for a beer again. I had achieved the six months through willpower, but that will always run out. I had one blowout, and then I did another three months AF. I thought this was evidence I could now moderate my drinking. How do you think that went? Yep, not very well! Before long, every night out was a big session. Then I woke up on the 27th of November 2022. Nothing bad had happened while drinking; I just decided I’m not doing it anymore, so I haven’t. The big change was my desire to stop, rather than the willpower I had used before. I knew I was gaining loads and losing nothing.

My life has improved a hundredfold since that day. I'm volunteering for a charity, I'm helping set up a mental health charity, and I have a whole host of new people in my life that I have a genuine connection with. I've also published a book on my struggles in life and how I turned it around. None of this would have been possible if I had still been drinking alcohol. My book "Imprfct" is on sale now. All proceeds are going to the charity I'm helping to create called "Enter Holistic Healing." Remember, if you're struggling with anything in life, you always have a choice. Reaching out is not a burden; it's a request for connection, something we all need. Thank you for your time, love to you all.

Keep Cravings In Check This Autumn

Keep Cravings In Check This Autumn

I’m Finishing Up Yet Another “Jailhouse Journey” Entry

I’m Finishing Up Yet Another “Jailhouse Journey” Entry