Trusting Your Intuition

Trusting Your Intuition

If you had told me two years ago I would have stopped drinking red wine and written a book, I would not have believed you. Going alcohol-free changed my life and when I began to listen to my intuition (gut, inner voice) I was shocked by what I heard. I started my alcohol-free journey in January 2022. I thought about not drinking for a huge part of my 30’s. I believe I was guided to stop drinking, but it took time to actually say I was ready to see what going alcohol-free was all about. Through a few failed attempts and emotional breakdowns, I quit for good in November 2022. While I was taking a walk after I decided I was done with alcohol, I heard myself say that “doors will open if you quit drinking.” I have no clue if this was God, my higher self, or the universe, but it was my voice, and it changed my life. Each year I write down what I want to manifest into my life. In 2023, I said that I wanted to find my bigger purpose and do something that feeds my soul. When I was taking a walk, I had the thought of writing a children’s book. I finished my children’s book and should have it published in Spring 2023. I decided I wanted to start coaching and helping others go alcohol-free and work on their mindset. I then thought of writing another book on habits and behaviors. I have started to write that book.

I believe that when I was drinking alcohol, I spent a lot of energy on recovering from a hangover, thinking about how much water I needed to drink to try to avoid the hangover, and really just getting down on myself when I didn’t do what I set out to do. Alcohol brought my vibes down and once I removed it, I had more time and energy to dream big. I don’t know what my future holds, but I plan to help others and listen to the voice that tells me to keep following my purpose. I have a lot of fulfilment in my life and I owe that to ditching booze and trusting myself. What’s really beautiful is I had no idea I could be creative and write. I had no clue I could impact people. By removing a toxic substance from my life, I started to follow my desires that I didn't know were possible. I can’t wait to see what other doors open up! Tips to improve your intuition: meditation, walking, going into nature, and journaling are a few strategies I use.

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