I wouldn’t stop until my body physically couldn’t take anymore

I wouldn’t stop until my body physically couldn’t take anymore

My name is Sarah. I’m a mum and a wife from sunny Essex, UK, and I quit alcohol when I was 28 years old. Now approaching 15 months sober, with my 30th birthday hurtling towards me, I’ve been reflecting upon my experience of giving up alcohol in my 20s, in a world that is literally obsessed with alcohol. People my age (the ones I hung around with anyway) were the tail end of the underage cheap binge drinking generation. £1 shots, knowing the right bouncers so you didn’t get ID’d, pre-drinks (never going into a bar without getting hammered first). From the first time I got paralytic drunk at 14 years old, I never drank alcohol for the taste, but to see how battered I could get for as cheap as possible. I would drink to take away my insecurities and give myself the confidence I lacked when sober, and I wouldn’t stop until my body physically couldn’t take any more (enter, the tactical chunder). It was normal… Until it wasn’t. People my age (the ones I hung around with anyway) were the tail end of the underage cheap binge drinking generation. £1 shots, knowing the right bouncers so you didn’t get ID’d, pre-drinks (never going into a bar without getting hammered first). From the first time I got paralytic drunk at 14 years old, I never drank alcohol for the taste, but to see how battered I could get for as cheap as possible. I would drink to take away my insecurities and give myself the confidence I lacked when sober, and I wouldn’t stop until my body physically couldn’t take any more (enter, the tactical chunder). It was normal… Until it wasn’t. How do you even do that?) and I knew that eventually, I was going to end up ruining the life I had worked so hard for. The life that was far from the insecure, binge drinking teenager who grew up with an alcohol-dependent parent herself.

It took me a while to get there, a lot of failed attempts to grasp the illusive, silver-bullet that is moderation, but eventually, I resigned myself to the fact that if I wanted to be the person my family deserved and that I deserved to be for myself, I could not drink alcohol any more. I wasn’t physically addicted, I didn’t have a rock-bottom as such, but I was miserable and hurting people. I knew all too well how it could end, so what was I waiting for? Giving up alcohol in my 20s is the best thing I’ve ever done for myself and my family. I’ve learned so much about myself, I’ve improved my relationships, my career, my mental health and I would say to anybody that struggles with their relationship with alcohol, no matter how young they are, to dip their toe in.

Morning routine

Morning routine

Getting Comfortable With Sober Sex

Getting Comfortable With Sober Sex