Stacking Habits For Wellbeing

Stacking Habits For Wellbeing

Was daily drinking a habit for you? Trying to break free from addictive patterns can be tricky, but a hugely beneficial tip is to introduce new habits and 'stack' them. It's about using a 'formula' of adding a new behaviour to something you already do without too much conscious thought. We know that our brains process a huge amount of information at any given time, so when there are good connections, a strong network can support what we choose to do with more ease. We all have lots of habits, simple things we do every day. It's taken for granted that we will brush our teeth, boil the kettle, write ourselves a 'To-do' list, and many more. We can take advantage of our existing habits to build the connections to put in place the new ones we want to add in. It's a 'thing,' apparently, originally written about by BJ Fogg in his Tiny Habits program. We simply identify a current habit that we already do regularly and 'stack' the new habit on top. Firstly, identify what new habits would be great for you right now. Stack the habit of saying some positive affirmations every time you shower (rather than allowing the inner critic to tell you how hopeless you are!). Visualize the water washing away the negativity and literally speak (or sing) some positive stuff about yourself. If you don't believe it, fake it till you make it!

Try adding some exercise into your life. As you boil the kettle in the morning, do a few squats or arm exercises. Okay, so it's only a few minutes, but it's a start! Stay hydrated. Once you have poured your morning coffee or tea, as it cools, grab a 1.5- litre bottle and fill it with water. Remember to breathe to calm anxiety. Every time you go upstairs, practice 4 x 4 breathing: consciously breathe in for a count of 4, hold for 4, breathe out for a count of 4, repeat 4 times.

You will find that by stacking these little habits together, you can soon start to create bigger 'stacks,' so you take advantage of the natural momentum of your behaviours connecting. On that note, connection is key. Get into the habit of regularly connecting with like-minded people; they become your cheerleaders as you introduce more well-being habits into your life.

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