My Body Said No.

My Body Said No.

Menopause was the gift that kept on giving, and not in a good way. At least that’s what I thought at first. The worst symptoms were migraines. Hangovers were getting worse and with migraines in the mix, it was a toxic combination. My body was in revolt. And it sent me its messages of turmoil, through pain. My nightly ritual of sharing a bottle of red with my partner, had become guaranteed misery. So, on January 1st, 2017, I went sober.

I tricked my brain. I kept my 6 o'clock date with a glass but swapped out the alcohol. Initially, the search for non-alcoholic alternatives was disheartening; everything was either cloyingly sweet or a poor imitation of wine. Persistence paid off when I discovered the delight of organic, non-sugary kombucha. It became my recipe for enjoyable, headache-free evenings. 

Socialising posed its own challenges though. Opting out of alcohol made me feel like a loser, an outcast, boring and a party pooper. But the threat of migraines kept me toeing the line. My body was keeping score. Its gift of pain led me to a healthier lifestyle, and forced me to confront the inner demons I'd masked with alcohol. This journey of sobriety wasn't just about physical health; it was also a mental and emotional show-down, demanding I find courage for self-reflection and transformation.

Embracing a whole-food, plant-based diet complemented my sobriety. If I was going to listen to my body, I thought I might as well go the whole hog. And true enough, if I deviated into sugary or processed drinks and food, my body wasn’t shy in coming forward with reprisals. In no uncertain terms it told me what I needed, in order to thrive.

My latest discovery, Tepache, a traditional Mexican fermented drink, has added a spicy twist to my beverage repertoire. Unlike kombucha or kefir, Tepache doesn't need a SCOBY. Instead, it's made with pineapple skins and core, water, and sugar (eaten up by the bacteria in the pineapple), and spiked with cinnamon, ginger, and chili. After my first successful batch, I’m hooked. Not only is it a delicious, cheap alternative to alcohol, but it’s also good for the gut. Win, win.

Reflecting on this journey, it's clear my body's initial "no" to alcohol was a profound "yes" to a richer, more fulfilling life post-menopause and migraines. Though challenging, it taught me to listen closely to my body's needs, leading me down a path of self-exploration and wellness. It was, in a strange way, a gift that forced me to live as healthfully as possible, so now I get to give the third chapter of my life, my best shot (no pun intended).

UKs 1st Alcohol-Free Festival

UKs 1st Alcohol-Free Festival

No drink, no pain and no painkillers…

No drink, no pain and no painkillers…