I had ended up in 'Stucksville' and wasn't sure how to get out

I had ended up in 'Stucksville' and wasn't sure how to get out

This quote by Paulo Coelho sums up the journey I guide women through with the power of Life Coaching and Spiritual Mentoring. Releasing all that no longer serves you to allow yourself to create and live a life you love. The releasing and the creating take time, commitment, and the desire to be you. Yet each of us embarks on this journey; mine has led me to share it with you today. My sober journey began the moment I took my first sip. Which was most likely a Snowball or a Babycham; it was the 80s. I never loved 'drinking'; I just did it because, well, society programs us to. Celebrate, have a drink, have a tough day, have a drink. Life threw a few curveballs that made me pause for a bit, yet I always managed to jump straight back in, doubting my ability to have fun or cope without a negroni or two. Until the perimenopause came knocking, a little earlier than expected, I was 38.

Over the next 4 years, my relationship with alcohol changed. Firstly, for the worse. I began drinking more and remembering less, and it became all-consuming. You know you've headed down the wrong path when you have a glass of red as a recovery drink after exercising. I had ended up in 'Stucksville' and wasn't sure how to get out. I was lost and scared, and I knew I had to make a change.

After sitting on the bottom step of my stairs for an hour sobbing and screaming to the universe, I discovered what I wanted from life. I had an overwhelming desire to live a long, very long, healthy, happy, balanced and purposeful life. At 102, I aim to be able to do what I can do today and more. For me to be able to do this, there needed to be a shift. On Sunday, 22nd October 2017, I took my very last sip, and from that moment, I began to remember who I was and discover who I was meant to be. My WHY led to my passion, and my passion led me to create The Purposeful Life; my purpose is to pay it forward. For me to be able to do this, there needed to be a shift. On Sunday, 22nd October 2017, I took my very last sip, and from that moment, I began to remember who I was and discover who I was meant to be. And I like this person a lot.

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Can You Control How Much You Drink?

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Buzz Of Sober Living