Alcohol Causes Cancer, Why Is This Not Not Headline News?

Alcohol Causes Cancer, Why Is This Not Not Headline News?

Alcohol is a Group 1 carcinogen, as The experts firmly disagree. The classified by the International official scientific position now is that Agency for Research on Cancer any potential benefit alcohol (IARC) and the World Health consumption may have on your Organisation (WHO). Drinking health will be outweighed by the risk alcohol causes cancer. Public of cancer that drinking alcohol awareness of alcohol as aposes. The more you drink the carcinogen is astonishingly low higher your risk of developing despite alcohol consumption being cancer but drinking just one glass of directly linked to seven types of wine a day does everything that cancer.binge drinking does, just on a smaller scale. The IARC first classified alcohol as carcinogenic thirty-five years ago,The latest data indicates that half of back in 1988! Group 1 of the all alcohol attributable cancers in carcinogen classification system listst he WHO European region were all the agents known to pose the diagnosed in people who only highest risk to humans. Alongside consumed alcohol on a light to alcohol, Group 1 also includes moderate level. A ‘moderate’ alcohol asbestos, radiation, and tobacco.intake is one drink a day for women, Generally, news reports and socialtwo drinks a day for men. Alcohol is attitudes assume that the negative metabolised in the body into a effects of drinking are only an issue chemical called acetaldehyde which for binge or heavy toxic to cells. Acetaldehyde both However, evidence is now proving damages your DNA and prevents that any amount of alcohol your body from repairing the consumption can harm your health.damage. Once your DNA is fundamentally damaged, a cell can In January this year, the WHO grow unchecked and create a cancer published the following statements:tumour. The seven cancers that No level of alcohol consumption isalcohol is directly linked to are of safe for our health. When it comes the oesophagus, liver, (female) to alcohol consumption, there is no breast, colon, rectum, mouth, and amount that does not affect health.throat (pharynx and larynx). Gastric, But what about those studies that pancreatic, and lung cancers are all claim that a small amount of alcohol being considered for inclusion on can actually be good for you?the list of cancers caused by alcohol consumption.

Alcohol consumption contributes to a raft of other health problems including diabetes, liver disease, high blood pressure, stroke, and coronary heart disease. Drinking alcohol shrinks and ages the brain, leading to cognitive decline and memory problems. It’s not just our physical health that is affected. Drinking alcohol may boost your mood short term but drinking regularly acts to block serotonin levels meaning your mood will be lower in the long-term. Even drinking small amounts on a regular basis elevates your core cortisol (stress hormone) levels when you are not drinking. Drinking habitually is therefore making people feel more anxious and stressed and potentially even depressed. Next time someone queries why you don’t drink you could add this to your long list of reasons for choosing the sober life!

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